............................................................................. WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE MATRIX? - THE LATEST NEWS

Saturday, April 21, 2012



One can say many things about the corrupt and dark elite, that pulls the strings behind the stage of the world, but a fact that remains is that they are brilliantly organized and well aware of people's psychology. Hardly anything that seems genuine and truly first hand info is really reliable, due to the cabal's permanent infiltrations of activist groups and their inception of fake "whistleblowers" and fraudulent "insiders" into the global internet scene.

If you take a few steps backwards and look at the whole internet dynamics, you can see the "drovers and the dogs" moving the different communities like herds of cattle into the desired directions. There's a scenario and a play-script for each community, and all these plays are being performed and interacted with simultaneously. The pattern in the texture of events is always the same - the only difference is, that sometimes a new thread is being introduced into the fabric, which eventually will lead people like Ariadne's thread into the labyrinth, where they will be abandoned without ever reaching the goal! And when these people start to wonder about their situation, eventually another thread is let down in front of their nose that gives them new hope, and they cling to it and follow it right into another dark dead-end corner of the labyrinth.  At last, many feel lost and give up to seek for the truth among all that assortment of hollow package info at disposal, which is what these disinformants want.

Laying out fake threads for the people has become a widely used method of control to lead those people astray, who are more awake, feed them with hope for some time and thus making them focus on a dummy target, while the elitists are continuing with their agenda and pushing forward the realization of their plans.

The "insider Drake" apparently is one of these incepted agents, and one has to wonder about Benjamin Fulford and others as well, who have been announcing big bombastic events without any evidence that what they said has ever come true. So far, nothing ever happened in favour of the world's population, that these criminal globalists and Earth's plague Nr. 1 have taken as their target. But make up your mind and make your own opinion.

Kalliopa, for the GLA-News-BLOG

Published on 20/apr/2012 by SageOfQuay

"Many are not going to want to accept this but based on what we are not seeing (but which was promised) and Joel Skousen's remarks it would appear the "Insider" Drake is a fraud.

Drake is now saying the "mass" arrests will take place one by one (in other words they are no longer "mass"). In this clip (and the link below) Drake talks about people in the "movement" being killed including children of those involved in breaking the cabal stranglehold (hear it for yourself in the clip). But some how Drake as the "spokesperson" can remain anonymous / incognito to the cabal? He can do radio interviews and updates on "secret" stuff that hasn't materialized (much like Fulford) while, by his own admission (this clip), others in the "movement" have had their children murdered? It makes absolutely no sense. Listen here - this clip is dated 4/15/2012 (In5d's channel):

And to top it off author Joel Skousen (Strategic Relocation), a person knee deep and very knowledgeable in the truth and freedom movement was interviewed on Alex Jones' Nightly News show on 4/19/2012 and comments on Drake (unsolicited). It's a brief mention by Skousen but not so quick that the listener does not clearly understand what Joel is saying; which is - Drake's cavalry premise is completely bogus. Interestingly enough I listened to the Skousen clip **after** listening to the 4/15 Drake clip where he talks about **unconfirmed** information needing to be confirmed - yet he still talks about it - a classic disinformation tactic (knowing people will run with it). He should not be speaking to the public until all of his information is vetted and confirmed otherwise it's just story telling.

Skousan's comment about Drake is a little after the 9 minute marker. I left the first chunk of the interview in so you can get Skousen's comment within the context of the overall discussion- so listen from the beginning. After the Skousen interview I included the 4/15 Drake clip (same as the link above).

I know this is **not** what everyone wants to hear but the Drake/Fulford stuff is getting stranger and less credible with each passing day because nothing they say materializes. Nothing at least to the magnitude of what they are proclaiming will happen (or should have happened already - especially Fulford who has been around a lot longer). For example, Fulford told everyone the cabal had until 3/31 and then it was over... nothing happened. He claimed Bill Gates was "arrested"... Bill Gates is still doing what he always does - de-population (eugenic) work in full public view. Drake promised big stuff the week of 4/16... nothing. Now he's back tracking and saying the mass arrests will be one by one.

It's time to put these guys behind us and focus on making the change by continuing to raise awareness and through grass roots activism. There is no magical cavalry coming. I hope I'm proven wrong but it is appearing very possible that Drake (and Fulford) are nothing more than disinformation artists and distraction."

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