............................................................................. WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE MATRIX? - THE LATEST NEWS

Thursday, May 31, 2012


The documentary "Psywar," featuring CMD founder John Stauber, by Metanoia Films  

This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the "elitist theory of democracy" and the relationship between war, propaganda and class. Includes original interviews with a number of dissident scholars including Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, Peter Phillips ("Project Censored"), John Stauber ("PR Watch"), Christopher Simpson ("The Science of Coercion") and others. 

The film explores corporate and government use of propaganda and public relations to manipulate American people. The movie explores how the U.S. government staged events to manipulate public opinion about the Iraq war, like the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch, the supposedly spontaneous mob that pulled over the larger-than-life statue of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. It also discusses the Pentagon pundit scandal, and the hidden activities of the Rendon Group, a PR firm specializing in spinning war. The film exposes government and corporate activities to blur the lines between real news and fake news, as well as the development over time of public relations misinformation campaigns, strategic corporate campaigns to generate goodwill and the perception of good works, the use of staged photo-ops, and other manipulative PR tools that have turned the land of the free and the home of the brave into a place where citizens are now manipulated with great efficiency, and on a massive scale.


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


The History of Propaganda Exposed. An in depth look at subliminal programming and the Father of Propaganda, Edward Bernays.


Monday, May 28, 2012


Flesh-Eating Bacteria - ILLUMINATI Card Game Shows Latest Disaster Is Pre-planned

In past we had documented, Illuminati Card game shows Japan Earthquake was pre-planned.

According to another Illuminati card "Flesh-Eating Bacteria disaster":

"This is not an instant attack. Any science group can aid the target place. The Center for Disease Control has triple power to aid the target place. If the attack succeeds, the target is devastated."

The latest Flesh-eating disease outbreak all over the South-East U.S. suggest that the whole disaster is preplanned too.

LOCATION: (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, Georgia 30333, USA

LOCATION Case #1 May 1, 2012: 51 miles West of the CDC
LOCATION Case #2 May 7, 2012: 1.1 mile South of the CDC
LOCATION Case #3 May 4, 2012: 44.7 miles Northwest of the CDC 

Case #1: Aimee Copeland, 24, was riding a homemade zip line near the Little Tallapoosa River near Carollton, Georgia May 1st when the line snapped, causing a gash in her left calf. The bacteria thought to have triggered the infection, Aeromonas hydrophila, thrives in warm climates and fresh (brackish) water, like the river where Copeland was kayaking and zip lining with friends. 

Case #2: Lana Kuykendall, 36, was infected on May 7th after she gave birth to twins at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta (Emory University Hospital Midtown in Atlanta - 201 Dowman Drive. Atlanta, Georgia 30322)

Case #3: Bobby Vaughn, 32, Cartersville, Georgia a Cartersville landscaper was injured at work May 4th when he fell from a tree and suffered a cut to his side.


$500,000 in stolen pathology equipment may have flesh eating substance in Florida - May 11, 2012

Orlando police say the equipment, worth about $500,000, is contaminated with a substance that could eat away at human skin.

A pickup hauling a trailer pulled up to Florida Hospital Center for Diagnostic Pathology, 2855 N. Orange Ave., on May 3 and took the equipment from an enclosed area near a large garbage bin, police said. The theft was not reported until Friday, said St. Vince Ogburn, a police spokesman.

Source: http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-05-11/news/os-orlando-stolen-lab-equipment-hazmat-20120511_1_equipment-hazardous-materials-orlando-police-department

So let get this straight.. They are putting equipment contaminated with flesh eating bacteria out back by the dumpster? SERIOUSLY?

South Carolina:  

Just after birth of twins, SC mom hospitalized with flesh-eating bacteria, undergoing surgery - May 17, 2012

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Days after giving birth to twins, a South Carolina mother has been hospitalized for what doctors say is a rare flesh-eating infection.

The development follows the similar affliction of a Georgia graduate student, who lost her left leg and may lose her fingers. But experts say the South Carolina case, though serious, is less severe than the Georgia one and caused by a different bacterium.

Source : http://www.greenfieldreporter.com/view/story/064e6536b8484c8a8db95a7c3b214b32/US--Flesh-Eating-Bacteria-SC

Flesh Eating Bacteria Likely Lurking in Hampton Roads - May 22, 2012



Doctors treat 6 in Omaha for flesh-eating bacteria - May 23, 2012


North Carolina

N. Carolina chapel Hill Infectious disease researcher shot dead - May 25, 2012 

Chapel Hill police were holding Ali Cherfaoui Friday night on charges he shot and killed a woman outside Mary Scroggs Elementary School. Police said Cherfaoui and his victim, Chahnaz Kebaier, had "an ongoing domestic dispute."

Source: http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/11142356/

But there is more to the story, we had searched "Chahnaz Kebaier" name and found down below information:




Naked Man Allegedly Eating Victim's Face Shot And Killed By Miami Police  - May 26, 2012

One man is dead and another hospitalized after a bizarre assault off Miami's MacArthur Causeway reportedly forced a police officer to open fire.

The officer...approached and saw that the naked man was actually chewing the other man's head, according to witnesses. The officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he continued the assault, the officer shot him. 

The attacker continued to eat the man, despite being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots.


Grandfather battling flesh-eating bacteria after accident - May 27, 2012 



While mankind is being lulled into the illusion, that the iPhone and related articles are the top notch novelty in scientific technological research, giving people the ultimate toy to distract their attention and lead it towards the multi-functionality of infantile and thus easier controllable entertainment habits, the military industrial complex and its facilities are already centuries way beyond such a level of technological "kindergarten"! 

Their newest weapons have nothing to do with conventional weapons, but seem rather taken out of science fiction movies. And while in the past military weaponry has been used only and exclusively against an aggressor from outside of the country, these newest devices, based on electromagnetism and micro/scalar waves, are now part of the armory dedicated to crowd-control against everybody, in the whole world ... even against the own citizens. 


Friday, May 18, 2012


In a recently decoded crop circle, that appeared in The UK last year, 2011, the return of the mayan deity Kukulkan, or Quetzalcoatl for the Aztecs, is being predicted.

On May 20th, during the annular solar eclipse of the Pleiades, the sun, the moon, Earth and the center of the galaxy will align. This is the same alignment that some people expect on December 21, 2012. Will this be the event that will change the course of destiny? Will the mayans' "Feathered Serpent" really return? Or is the feathered serpent a synonym for and a reference to the 13th zodiac sign "Ophiuchus", that lies next to the center of our galaxy? ... Watch this interesting video and make up your mind!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


"SIRIUS", a new groundbreaking documentary by Steven Greer, head of the Disclosure Project 2000 and CSETI project head, is about to present to the world what governments have been hiding from us all, depriving us of abundance, free energy and sheer endless technological well-being, that could serve all mankind  and unite people in peace, health and harmony with our benevolent cosmic sisters and brothers, instead of being exclusively at the disposal of the industrial military complex in order to destroy, subject and ultimately control every living creature on this planet!

Many voices warned us about the situation that we are now slipping into deeper and deeper. The inert masses, who still believe that the monolithic structure of  politics and society has been erected to their own good and benefit, need to be awakened, if humanity wants to successfully take its souvereignty into its own hands. 

Do you think, that Microsoft is offering you the latest in technological research? Really? How come then, that military devices would never entrust their functioning reliability to this "technological crap"? Where do the military get their technology from, with possibilities, that we cannot even imagine?

It's time to face what half of mankind knows and feels inside - we are not alone! And we have never been! The proof for that is all around us! ... Our governments are NOT our representatives - they all  follow their own agenda, which is a servant to large corporate and elitists' interests ... and also servant to a huge hidden extraterrestrial agenda pushed forward by regressive alien forces, who have been pulling the strings of our world-affairs since the dawn of mankind! No, our governments do not represent us, and it is up to us to finally realize that we have to take the responsibility for our lives into our own hands and not let institutions "take care of us", because THEY are doing that, for their own good and benefit and not for yours, mine or ours!


About the "SIRIUS" documentary:
NOTE: Nobody can expect that ONE documentary can and will reveal all the answers to the questions ... some of the conclusions may even be inaccurate due to the lack of profound information ... but that is not the point! The point is, that people have to start to do their own research, make up their minds and form an opinion of their own, that is not biased by mainstream TV info and institutional propaganda! Nobody on this planet will ever have all the answers, the truth is fractioned into many pieces, like a puzzle, and it is up to us all to put all these pieces together and get the whole picture! It can begin with this documentary, or even with a single thought that urges you to verify, if what you have been believing to be right for all your life, is really true! But no matter what this initial spark may be ... ALLOW IT TO IGNITE YOUR URGE TO KNOW  THE TRUTH!

Video-info for the "SIRIUS"-trailer:


The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light. What we have learned from them about energy propulsion can bring us to a new era, but those in power have suppressed this information in order to keep us at their mercy. It is time for you to know...and this documentary will let you in.

Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the worldwide Disclosure Movement and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence is working with Emmy award winning filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka and his team at Neverending Light Productions to produce one of the most significant films of our time.

This film exposes the greatest story never told: The Earth has been visited by people from other worlds who are not malicious, but in fact concerned for the future of humanity. A cabal of military, industrial and financial interests have kept this contact and what we have learned from it secret for over 60 years. Their secrecy is meant to suppress the knowledge that can liberate the world from the yoke of oil, gas, coal and nuclear power and replace the current world order with one of New Energy and true Freedom. 

STRUCTURE OF THE FILM I. The first section of the film will share the vast scope of evidence that ET's exist, from official government documents, high-level witness testimony and audio and visual evidence. Disclosure and CSETI have the largest library of never before seen footage gathered over 20 years of study. II. Next, we interview a group of brilliant scientists who aim to expose long-held secret technologies. They show us how energy can be derived from the fabric of space around us, and how industrial cartels have suppressed this information. What did Nicola Tesla know, and why did the FBI seize his papers upon his death? Man-made anti-gravity vehicles have been in use for over half a century, some even used to perpetuate the ET abduction hoax in order to control the masses. Now is the time for these technologies to be acknowledged and developed for peaceful energy purposes. III. In the final section, we explore CONTACT: the CE-5 principles and how to build a bridge to a trans-dimensional universe. We will also share how the average person can make contact with people from other worlds. They are only a thought away... 

No major media group or corporation wants to see this information get out. So that's why we need you!

We the people are going to make this film.
Not just fund or produce it, but also distribute.

Everyone has a stake in seeing this film succeed. With over 7 billion people burning up the Earth's resources, the time is now to make this change.

Your financial support will help us develop the documentary which will expose years of witness testimony and evidence for the world to see. In addition, through the proceeds of this film, you will be helping fund independent research and development of the long-suppressed energy technologies so urgently needed by humanity. For your donations, you will have also access to a variety of exclusive materials, as defined in the campaign you see on the right. ...

Please visit: http://www.sirius.neverendinglight.com/

Friday, May 4, 2012


Alex Collier, andromedan contactee and as such active for more than twenty years, reveals in his latest interview what is really behind the setup of "mass arrests". According to Colliers informants, these mass arrests are real, but they don't serve to remove the dark cabal - it is the dark cabal itself that this way gets rid of structures and power levels that they deem weak and thus no longer useful and functional. On a remote and secret level, the dark cabal, the Illuminati, are still in firm control and power and plan to take over the world and establish their New World Order with their One World Government, their One World Currency and One World Everything within this year.

Before giving account of the tremendous campaign going on against him, Alex Collier further shares information given to him by Moraney, his long time contact among the Andromedans: according to Moraney and the Andromedans, mankind will have to face the playing out of the "Book Of Revelation" within this year - the staged arrival of the "gods" and "semigods", who will come to be worshipped as our creators in order to take total control of humanity and this planet. 

The truth is that these extraterrestrials have been hiding on Earth behind us in a dimensional field, behind our society and all its structures that they have established around us in order to keep us all under control, as their slaves and natural resources, manipulating us in order to keep our awareness down. Now, with the new rising frequencies coming in from the center of the universe, the black holes, they no longer can keep hidden from us, their cloaking-technology is about to fail and they risk to be exposed to us. That is why they chose to stage their arrival as our creators and gods, in order to anticipate their total loss of cover. 

But ... THEY ARE NOT BENEVOLENT, AND THEIR AGENDA IS DARK! They will present the regressive extraterrestrials as the "good guys" and those, who are on our side, will be presented as a menace, as invaders. The truth will be overthrown and turned upside down, and a worldwide campaign will be launched to discredit the "good forces" and paint them black.  At the same time, the allegedly arrived "semigods and gods", the humanoids, reptilians and greys and all the other zoo of malicious beasts, who have been following their serve-to-self program and have been committing atrocious acts of cruelty against mankind and all creatures on Earth for thousands of years, will be introduced as our only hope and solution for a "secure" future, where even more rigid controls with highly advanced technology will be like an omnipresent tight slave-collar around our neck! 

Open your eyes, learn to discern the truth, reconnect to your inner wisdom! This, if it will happen, will be the ultimate test of our awareness and our awakeness! Remember that they always create the problems in order to be able to introduce THEIR solution - which is always to their favour, never to ours! 

Get aware! Get informed! ... GET UP!!!

Here are the links that Alex Collier indicated: THE LAST POPE - AND THE DARK AGENDA OF THE VATICAN 
(Editor's note: the opinions of the people taking part in this interview do in no way represent the opinion of this website and blog, and we advise everybody, who is interested in this, to listen to this discussion considering that the persons expressing their ideas and thoughts in this video-edition of the radio-interview believe in Christianity and do not doubt any of its fundamental basis. We think, that all religions, and above all one as powerful and influential as Christianity, needs to be questioned, since its final purpose is not to represent a "divine truth", but to provide an ideology that aims at detaching every single individual from its own divine part and to give the Church the ultimate monopoly in administering spirituality in order to stand as a filter between the people and the true spiritual Source, that may very well be very different from what many call or imagine as God!    - Kalliopa, for the GLA-News_Blog)

STEVE QUAYLE, Feb 22, 2012 w/TOM HORN, Part 1
STEVE QUAYLE, Feb 22, 2012 w/TOM HORN, Part 2
STEVE QUAYLE, Feb 22, 2012 w/TOM HORN, Part 3