............................................................................. WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE MATRIX? - THE LATEST NEWS

Friday, May 4, 2012


Alex Collier, andromedan contactee and as such active for more than twenty years, reveals in his latest interview what is really behind the setup of "mass arrests". According to Colliers informants, these mass arrests are real, but they don't serve to remove the dark cabal - it is the dark cabal itself that this way gets rid of structures and power levels that they deem weak and thus no longer useful and functional. On a remote and secret level, the dark cabal, the Illuminati, are still in firm control and power and plan to take over the world and establish their New World Order with their One World Government, their One World Currency and One World Everything within this year.

Before giving account of the tremendous campaign going on against him, Alex Collier further shares information given to him by Moraney, his long time contact among the Andromedans: according to Moraney and the Andromedans, mankind will have to face the playing out of the "Book Of Revelation" within this year - the staged arrival of the "gods" and "semigods", who will come to be worshipped as our creators in order to take total control of humanity and this planet. 

The truth is that these extraterrestrials have been hiding on Earth behind us in a dimensional field, behind our society and all its structures that they have established around us in order to keep us all under control, as their slaves and natural resources, manipulating us in order to keep our awareness down. Now, with the new rising frequencies coming in from the center of the universe, the black holes, they no longer can keep hidden from us, their cloaking-technology is about to fail and they risk to be exposed to us. That is why they chose to stage their arrival as our creators and gods, in order to anticipate their total loss of cover. 

But ... THEY ARE NOT BENEVOLENT, AND THEIR AGENDA IS DARK! They will present the regressive extraterrestrials as the "good guys" and those, who are on our side, will be presented as a menace, as invaders. The truth will be overthrown and turned upside down, and a worldwide campaign will be launched to discredit the "good forces" and paint them black.  At the same time, the allegedly arrived "semigods and gods", the humanoids, reptilians and greys and all the other zoo of malicious beasts, who have been following their serve-to-self program and have been committing atrocious acts of cruelty against mankind and all creatures on Earth for thousands of years, will be introduced as our only hope and solution for a "secure" future, where even more rigid controls with highly advanced technology will be like an omnipresent tight slave-collar around our neck! 

Open your eyes, learn to discern the truth, reconnect to your inner wisdom! This, if it will happen, will be the ultimate test of our awareness and our awakeness! Remember that they always create the problems in order to be able to introduce THEIR solution - which is always to their favour, never to ours! 

Get aware! Get informed! ... GET UP!!!

Here are the links that Alex Collier indicated: THE LAST POPE - AND THE DARK AGENDA OF THE VATICAN 
(Editor's note: the opinions of the people taking part in this interview do in no way represent the opinion of this website and blog, and we advise everybody, who is interested in this, to listen to this discussion considering that the persons expressing their ideas and thoughts in this video-edition of the radio-interview believe in Christianity and do not doubt any of its fundamental basis. We think, that all religions, and above all one as powerful and influential as Christianity, needs to be questioned, since its final purpose is not to represent a "divine truth", but to provide an ideology that aims at detaching every single individual from its own divine part and to give the Church the ultimate monopoly in administering spirituality in order to stand as a filter between the people and the true spiritual Source, that may very well be very different from what many call or imagine as God!    - Kalliopa, for the GLA-News_Blog)

STEVE QUAYLE, Feb 22, 2012 w/TOM HORN, Part 1
STEVE QUAYLE, Feb 22, 2012 w/TOM HORN, Part 2
STEVE QUAYLE, Feb 22, 2012 w/TOM HORN, Part 3

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