............................................................................. WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE MATRIX? - THE LATEST NEWS

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The world stood in awe as it watched the people of Egypt challenge Mubarak's regime of military dictatorship, and it was even more surprised to see Tunisia's people only weeks later rise against their corrupt tyrant, taking in account the violent reactions of the brutal police forces - and everyone nodded and said to oneself: "There, the people under the heavy yoke of suppression are finally rising and revolting against their mighty rulers!" ...

But all these recent revolts, that spread like a wildfire around the globe and became the symbol of the dawning self-consciousness of a long suppressed population, however, under the hard light of diligent research, have proven to be nothing but a planned and staged cinemascopic deception! What was thought to be a "spontaneous people's revolution",was nothing but staged and meticulously 'planned chaos-events, prepared, triggered and executed by a group of professional "revolution-makers" called "Otpor" and its follow-up organization "CANVAS"!

"Otpor" is the very group of psychologically and strategically skilled people, who mobilized the opposition of the former Milosevic-regime in Serbia and sealed Milosevic's doom, overthrowing his long and violent rulership! Ever since then, "OTPOR" has become the most asked for and most paid expert for creating revolutions throughout the world! The one to mostly ask for this particular service is the US intelligence, which sent out "OTPOR" to prepare, what they called, "the right soil for the rise of the New World Order": CHAOS!!!

All the recent revolutions in the Middle East, in Europe, in the countries confining with Russia, in South America and Asia, and, last but not least, in the USA with the "Occupy Wall Street" and "Occupy the World" movements, bear the signature of "OTPOR": a "fist", that appears as a logo in the banner of all the revolutionary movements, as it is OTPOR's label ever since it became active!

It is striking, that all the masonic lobbies support the "Occupy"-protest, as well as the UN (a Rothschild and Rockefeller "foundation"), and the famous "Lucis Trust", former "Lucifer Trust", publisher and promoter of New-Age related books and educational material. What they all have in common is their close affinity to the New World Order. It is obvious, that it is NOT ONLY an infiltration of the "O-W-S"-assemblies by NWO-friendly groups and organizations seeking to redirect them into NWO-convenient tracks, like David Icke and Alex Jones suspected, but a complete, staged and set up movement, from the beginning to the end financed by the bank cartells, the US and other governments, the Intelligence Services and of course, the Illuminati!  

Why would the bank-world finance protests that go against their own banks? Why would people and organizations, that are in favour of the NWO, support O-W-S? Why would the mainstream media promote worldwide protests like on October 15 or the coming 11/11/11 demonstrations? The answer is: The Illuminati use the people for their "Ordo ab chao" strategy ("order from chaos") in order to bring the NWO! The "New-Age"-movement is just another manufactured tendency ... have we not seen a mass of people doing collective meditations during the OWS assemblies? And guess who gave them the booklet with the prayer and meditation instructions? - "LUCIS TRUST", former "LUCIFER TRUST", the very publisher and promoter of "One World Religion"!!! Do you need more hints ... 

Beware, because nothing is as it seems! Use your own head, your own mind, your own ideas, don't repeat like a choir girl everything that others say, just because you think it is cool or because they are "the leaders"! Express yourself in your own words! Freedom cannot be brought or given to you - you have to take it yourself, if someone stole it from you! If you follow the rules of those who suppress you, you will never be free but still the same slave, only under different conditions!