............................................................................. WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE MATRIX? - THE LATEST NEWS

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


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PLEASE NOTE: the following text refers to "ELENIN" as the "dwarf star" - this interpretation is NOT(!) supported by the information we have at disposal and is caused by the speculations due to mixing up data and information about "ELENIN" and PLANET X, which are NOT the same (see blog-post from June 17, 2011)! Note also,  that the data provided here is based on the official JPL and NASA data, which is probably manipulated in order to portrait a "harmless" comet! Apart from these notes, we consider the events as presented in the timline below  an accurate estimation of what will probably occur in the nearest future!


The timeline below tracks the movement of the ELEnin dwarf star in our solar system through 2011 using the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Data for their ELEnin Comet Psyop  .


March 2 Dwarf star passes through celestial plane. 0.0 declination. 2.261 AU from Earth.

March 11 Saturn, Dwarf Star, Earth, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in alignment creating gravity trench for volcano/earthquake/tidal events to escalate. First Alignment. 2.1 AU from Earth.

May 11 Earth, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in alignment to create optimum conditions for seismic activity.
April 25 Earth crosses ELE orbit to match ELE orbit at 1.8 AU, or about 170 million miles. 1.835 AU from Earth.

May 28 Earth reaches ELE outside orbit position. 1.836 AU from Earth.

June 27 Dwarf Star crosses Mars orbit. 1.789 AU from Earth.

July 7 Saturn, Dwarf Star and Sun are in alignment where Saturn should show signs of the dwarf star assuming polarity control. 1.74 AU from Earth. 

Aug 3 Dwarf Star crosses Earth orbit and Earth reaches Dwarf Star perigee orbit angle position. 1.489 AU from Earth.

Aug 21 Dwarf Star crosses Venus orbit. 1.198 AU from Earth.

Sept 11  Dwarf Star reaches perigee position and breaks ecliptic plane at Mercury orbit. 0.708 AU from Earth.

Sept 19 Dwarf Star equidistant from Sun And Earth. 0.523 AU from Earth.

Sept 26 Dwarf Star passes between Sun and Earth for second alignment for anticipated Geological Pole Shift Event. Second Alignment. 0.396 AU from Earth. ELE = 0.0 declination with Sun = -1 declination.

Oct 2 Dwarf Star at Venus orbit. 0.316 AU from Earth.

Oct 17 Dwarf Star at Earth orbit and nearest position. 0.232 AU from Earth @ 21.57 million miles.

Nov 14 Dwarf Star crosses Mars orbit. 0.46 AU from Earth.

Nov 22 Dwarf Star, Earth and Sun alignment for Pole Shift Reversal Event. Third Alignment 0.58 AU from Earth.

The Dwarf Star will finally be farther from the Earth than the Sun on Feb 29, 2012 marking 163 days from Sept. 19, 2011 that Dwarf Star is nearer our planet than the Sun.

A dwarf star between Jupiter and Sun mass is approaching Earth from @ 10h 38m 24.48s +7 00' 49.68" (link) coordinates at 100,000 miles per hour covering 2.4 million miles each day from the Leo Constellation moving towards 44 Leo to break through the ecliptic plane on March 2, 2011. The dwarf star with a planetary object (Planet X) and multiple moons (pic) is currently on an inbound trajectory between Jupiter orbit and Mars orbit to reach Mars orbit on June 25, 2011.

The dwarf star being currently tracked by NASA as the Psyop Leonid ELEnin Comet that came into alignment with Sun and Earth at the first of three alignments on March 11, 2011; which is what all the false flag psyop disinformation is calling the pole shift. The dwarf star was still too far away (2.1 AU) to assume polarity control of the Earth from the Sun. This March 11 alignment coincides with the February 27, 2010 ELE/Earth/Sun alignment that shifted earth aquifers and shifted Earth axis 3 inches with the 8.8 Chile Quake. The magnetic poles of our planet are not shifting, but are 'migrating' from the approach of the dwarf star mini solar system and the powerful magnetic field and polarity entering our inner solar system; which has been going on since 2004. The dynamic gravitational Tug-of-War between the Sun, Earth and Dwarf Star is enhanced by the near-alignment of seven planetary/solar bodies at this alignment shown in the first diagram above and demonstrated by a red alignment line depicting extreme gravitational force. These orbiting objects are connected to the Sun by magnetic portals (link), which the Earth passed through on 2/27/2010 and 3/11/2011 that connects the dwarf star to the Sun. The next major event for Dwarf Star is June 27, 2011, when the dwarf star crosses the Mars orbit. Then on July 7, 2011 the ELEnin dwarf star passes between the Sun and Saturn orbiting above the ecliptic plane, which should reveal some evidence that the dwarf star is attempting to gain polarity control over the ringed planet.

Diagram 2 starts at August 3, 2011 when the dwarf star crosses Earth orbit to then cross Venus orbit on August 21, 2011. Then we see the ELEnin dwarf star reach perigee position nearest the Sun on September 11, 2011 exactly ten years from the 9/11 attacks (What Really Happened, when the dwarf star begins the 3600-year orbit once again. September 26, 2011 marks the day of the next alignment, when the dwarf star is only 0.396 AU from Earth (36.8 million miles); when the dwarf star is expected to gain polarity control over the Earth and cause the Geological Pole Shift. This marks the time when the Earth will  bow to the dwarf star's awesome magnetic field/polarity, so the northern hemisphere experiences many days of darkness; while the southern hemisphere is drawn nearer the Sun. There are 14 days between the dwarf star reaching perigee position and this alignment with the Earth and Sun being equidistant to the dwarf star on the 7th day (Sept. 18).

October 2 is the day that the ELEnin dwarf star crosses Venus orbit again to begin trekking in the direction of Earth. Our planet is still being pulled towards the Sun, but by this time we are also being pulled forward into the massive dwarf star gravity well. Two weeks go by (Oct. 17) and the dwarf star crosses the Earth orbit line to pass directly in front of our planet at just 21.57 million miles away, which is the nearest point in our encounter. The dwarf star crosses the Mars orbit line on November 14, 2011 on way to the third alignment on November 22 where the Earth passes directly between the two once again like on March 11. This marks the time of the Geological Pole Shift Reversal that tips the Earth back to near the current position, as the Sun regains polarity control from the dwarf star racing away from the inner solar system. 
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