............................................................................. WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE MATRIX? - THE LATEST NEWS

Monday, April 16, 2012


More questions are answered in this interview with insider Drake, Deatra Loomer and Teri Lynn Hinkle.

Drake stated that everyone who is associated with anything that is detrimental to the public will be held accountable for their actions.  One caller asked if the mass arrests will include the people who spray chemtrails in our air, those who place fluoride in our water and those who abuse animals.  Drake stated, “You might want to include everything you can think of in terms of making things right.”

Drake has been revealing a new movement regarding a mass arrest of all corrupted politicians, banksters, etc... which possibly might involve the selection of Ron Paul as an interim or temporary President of the United States until formal elections can be held.

If you look at the massive number of banker resignations since September 1, 2011 (450 and counting) it makes sense that these people are quitting in the hopes of not being persecuted for their crimes against humanity. According to Drake, everyone will be held accountable whether they are employed in their current positions or not.

Regarding reimbursement for fraudulent income tax collected by the IRS, Drake stated, “All of these things are going to be rectified.”

Question: Due to the magnitude of this operation, are people being arrested now and then, the big announcement will be made once they are all rounded up?

Drake: Not exactly.  You’ve got people behind the scenes who are taken into custody and/or put under house arrest that’s not going to be in the mainstream news.  The basis of what’s going to happen is very simple.  We have set the country free through the notification process.  The secondary part of that is that the military has assured its backing to us for the backing of the mass arrests scenario.  The mass arrests scenario is going to be primarily all of your celebrity or well-known figures.  You’re going to recognize a load of the names.”

More highlights:

“The first that happens is the central banking system is going to be required to repay each and everything that they borrowed.  Not us, them.  This will bankrupt that corporation.  Second part of this is a load, and I mean a heavy load, of criminal charges.  Those criminal charges are not limited to anything. They contain just about every crime you can think of.  Following that, a reorientation back to the original de jour founding document government that was originally set in the United States will be implemented.  Within all of this process, you’re going to have people taking care of, in terms of trying to make sure that the lights are all on, etc… If there’s a food shortage someplace, they will break out emergency rations and will make sure people don’t starve.  In other words, everything that you can think of in terms of maintaining a general lifestyle is going to be as preserved as possible.  This is going to be done with the least amount of chaos and as peaceably as possible.  Some people will probably want to shoot it out.  That’s their problem.”

“There’s going to be a worldwide reevaluation of currencies from a debt instrument to an equity instrument and that will facilitate considerable changes.  As far as I understand it, the plan has changed.  They were going to have a new currency which would allow for an exchange program and they decided that it could be done in terms of the currency that we have now, except that it says Federal Reserve Note on it.  I’m thinking they’re going to bring the newly printed money back, bleach the paper and reprint.  It will go from a debt instrument to an equity instrument backed by assets.”

In regard to HAARP, the controls will be taken over so it won’t be used as a weapon against innocent people. “There are a lot of good things that that can be used for."

Regarding Benjamin Fulford:  “I am not going to confirm anything Fulford says because he is not in the inner loop at this point.”

Regarding televised coverage: “There’s going to be a nice little public display of people going to jail.  Basically you’re going to see people being stuck in the paddy wagon being taken to the FEMA camps they built for us.  This is going to be one each and every last channel that they can acquire.  My understanding is that the military can access any and all channels so it will probably be on each and every channel and you won’t be able to change what you’re watching.”


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