............................................................................. WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE MATRIX? - THE LATEST NEWS

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lawmakers in Louisiana are calling for National Guard troops to patrol the streets of New Orleans after a toddler was killed in a drive-by shooting. The last time troops were involved in domestic law enforcement in the state, they were used to confiscate legally owned firearms in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Keira Holmes Gordon was caught in the crossfire of two separate groups of men in cars who were targeting another man stood near a B. W. Cooper Housing development on Sunday. The toddler, four days shy of her second birthday, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Citing soaring crime levels, state lawmaker Austin Badon Jr. told CNN he "wants the government to step and help control the violence," by sending troops to patrol troubled areas, although he admitted that just "a select few people" were responsible for the crimes.

The CNN host makes clear that Badon is just one of several officials calling for National Guard troops.

"I have called on the Governor to bring in the National Guard," said Badon, asserting that residents were "more comfortable" after seeing the Guard patrol the streets in 2005 during Hurricane Katrina.

"We are at war and when you're at war, you have to bring in soldiers," said Badon, describing the situation as "urban warfare," and complaining about people who own guns.

A spokesman for Governor Bobby Jindal's office said no request had been made from the mayor to send National Guard troops to patrol the streets.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


The Pentagon provides military-grade weapons to the local police forces for law enforcement with "Occupy-protestors"! Police agents are being drilled to apply methods, used by the Israeli-military to combat the civilian indigenous population in the Palestine zone like high-threat terrorists!  

From now on, protestors in the U.S., peaceful or not, are being considered equal to terrorists!


Monday, December 12, 2011


For more than a year, MTV has been broadcasting two commercials that demonstrate, how martial law will come to you, with a sudden blow and over night, while you think life is all swell and everything's "normal"! ... 


Wednesday, December 7, 2011


December 6, 2011

Infowars.com has received a document originating from Halliburton subsidiary KBR (former "Kellogg  Brown and Root", an american construction, engineering and private military contracting company) that provides details on a push to outfit FEMA and U.S. Army camps around the United States. Entitled “Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements,” the document describes services KBR is looking to farm out to subcontractors. The document was passed on to us by a state government employee who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.

Services up for bid include catering, temporary fencing and barricades, laundry and medical services, power generation, refuse collection, and other services required for temporary “emergency environment” camps located in five regions of the United States.

Internment Camp Services Bid Arrives After NDAA

KBR’s call for FEMA camp service bids arrives soon after the Senate overwhelmingly passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which permits the military to detain and interrogate supposed domestic terror suspects in violation of the Fourth Amendment and Posse Comitatus.

Section 1031 of the NDAA bill declares the whole of the United States as a “battlefield” and allows American citizens to be arrested on U.S. soil and incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay.

A number of civil liberties groups have come out in strong opposition to the legislation, most notably the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), the nation’s oldest and largest Asian American civil and human rights organization.

In a letter addressed to Congress, S. Floyd Mori, the national director of JACL, said the NDAA is the first time that Congress has scaled back on the protections provided by the Non-Detention Act of 1971. Mori said the legislation, if enacted and put into use, would be reminiscent of the unconstitutional indefinite detention of Japanese Americans during World War II.

Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA.

KBR Instrumental in Establishing Camps in 2006

In 2006, KBR was awarded a contingency contract from the Department of Homeland Security, allegedly to support its Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities in the event of an emergency, Market Watch reported.

The contract was effective immediately and provided for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to expand existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs, KBR said. The contract may also provide migrant detention support to other government organizations in the event of an immigration emergency, as well as the development of a plan to react to a national emergency, such as a natural disaster, the company explained.

The 45 regions indicated in the KBR document.

Army Releases Civilian Inmate Labor Program Document

Soon after KBR’s announcement, a little-known Army document surfaced. Entitled the “Civilian Inmate Labor Program,” the unclassified document describes in detail Army Regulation 210-35. The regulation, first drafted in 1997, underwent a “rapid act revision” in January 2005 and now provides a policy for the creation of labor programs and prison camps on Army installations.

National Emergency Centers Act

In 2009, the National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645 was introduced in Congress. It mandates the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations for the purpose of providing “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” according to the bill.

In addition to emergencies, the legislation is designed to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” an open ended mandate which many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting after a national emergency or total economic collapse, as Paul Joseph Watson noted in January of 2009.

Clergy response teams.

Also in 2009, the Army National Guard began posting advertisements calling for Internment/Resettlement Specialists, a fact noted by Infowars.com, Prison Planet.com and other alternative media outlets but ignored by the establishment media.

Precursor: Rex 84 Mass Detention Operation

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was established under the pretext of a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican/US border, the same pretense used in the language of the KBR request for services.

During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, however, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”

Rex 84 was devised by Col. Oliver North, who was with the NSC and appointed liaison to FEMA. John Brinkerhoff, the deputy director of “national preparedness” programs for FEMA, and North designed the plan on a 1970 report written by FEMA chief Louis Giuffrida, at the Army War College, which proposed the detention of up to 21 million “American Negroes” in the event of a black militant uprising in the United States.

DHS Coordinating Occupy Arrests

Following a crackdown by police on Occupy Wall Street protesters around the nation, Oakland, California, mayor Jean Quan mentioned during an interview with the BBC that she was on a conference call with leaders of 18 US cities shortly before a wave of raids broke up Occupy Wall Street encampments across the country. It was later discovered that the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal police agencies had coordinated the often violent response to the protests.

New York Rep. Peter King, who heads up the House Homeland Security Subcommittee, signaled a sense of urgency when he said the federal government has “to be careful not to allow this movement to get any legitimacy. I’m taking this seriously in that I’m old enough to remember what happened in the 1960′s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can’t allow that to happen.”

The federal government responded similarly in the 1960s and 70s when the FBI organized and unleashed its unconstitutional secret police under the covert banner of COINTELPRO.

In addition to the DHS characterizing Americans supporting states’ rights and the Constitution as terrorists, the Defense Department’s Antiterrorism and Force Protection Annual Refresher Training Course in 2009 advised its personnel that political protest amounts to “low-level terrorism.”

Elements of the Police State Coming Together

The KBR document is more evidence that the federal government has established internment camps and plans to fill them with dissidents and anti-government activists that have been demonized consistently by the establishment media.

The NDAA was crafted precisely to provide the legal mechanism for tasking the military to round up activists it conflates with al-Qaeda terrorists. The plan was initially envisioned by Rex 84 and in particular Operation Garden Plot, an operational plan to use the Army, USAF, Navy, and Marine Corp. in direct support of civil disturbance control operations. It has since added numerous elements under the rubric of Continuity of Government, the overall war on terror, civil disturbance and emergency response.

The government has patiently put into place the crucial elements of its police state grid and overarching plan for the internment of political enemies.

We are quite literally one terror event away from the plan going live. As the DHS and the establishment media keep telling us, the next terror event will be on American soil and not the work of al-Qaeda but domestic patriot political groups. The FBI has specialized in creating domestic terrorists – or rather patsies – and shifting the blame over to their political enemies.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The news has come up, that protestors who got arrested during the recent demonstrations in LA nearly a week ago, are still stuck in jail. The bail was set at 5,000 and up to 27,000 dollars - the person who's got the bail set at 27,000 dollars was a legal observer for the National Lawyers Guild!!! Most of the arrested people have been charged with simple misdemeanor, and the normal bail for this, if any at all, is usually only a 100 dollars!

Apart from this disproportionate bail, people who are arrested are being kept tightly handcuffed in a closed room, a bus or a prison cell, for up to eight hours without a possibility to use the toilets - letting people urinate into their own clothes, without medical care - letting people suffer and lose blood, and without giving them the possibility to call their lawyers - isolating people and denying them their civil rights!

Are you aware, people, what's going on with the USA? Giving voice to your opinion and criticizing the system has become a luxury, that only few can afford! That seems to be the lesson that the fashist NAZI-establishment is willing to give to its citizens! 

So, what do you call a state that denies its citizens virtually every right and liberty and imposes its own draconian regime on its population?