............................................................................. WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE MATRIX? - THE LATEST NEWS

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Here's what the original satellite-photos say about the existence of chemtrails, weather-modification and geo-engineering!


For some years now there's been a new phenomenon showing up in weather patterns throughout the world: clouds that seem to grow out of Earth's surface or the surface of the sea like shaving foam pouring forth out of a spray can!  

In this remarkable video we can see the proof, that weather modification and geo-engineering is an undeniable reality! The NASA is actually experimenting with artificially creating massive rain clouds! It is strange that this kind of clouds can be seen and has been witnessed in many places throughout the world ... can it be, that this technology has already been secretly used to produce massive cloud-banks leading to excessive rain, flooding entire areas and causing unimaginable damage?! Could the recent "epic flooding" of the Mississippi river be an effect of this weather technology?

Monday, May 30, 2011


A documentary by David Talbott presenting a fascinating new theory explaining the mysterious surface design on planet Mars!

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

DAVID WILCOCK interviews BENJAMIN FULFORD - May 11, 2011


PBS: So let's just talk about the idea of WikiLeaks, how it comes about, when you begin to conceptualize what eventually becomes WikiLeaks. What were you thinking?

JA: I had had a lot of experience in bringing the Internet to Australia, and I saw that knowledge in the hands of people achieves reform. And in my involvement in cryptography and human rights, protecting human rights workers using cryptography, [this] also showed that privacy is an important part of spreading knowledge. [The] ability to be able to communicate privately helps people spread knowledge out to the public for these human rights workers in South America. ...
“Our technology does not permit us to understand whether someone is one of our sources or not, because the best way to keep a secret is to never have it.”                                                    

So there's certain constraints on knowledge, and those basic constraints affect all of us. So we could go back to James Madison, who put it perhaps best: that a people who mean to be free must have the power that knowledge brings.

Because knowledge will always rule ignorance. In the United States' context, that meant people who wanted to self-rule, to have a democracy, needed the information that is the lifeblood of a democracy. So I considered what were the limitations in spreading of knowledge, and they were really at the source so that we have a Fourth Estate: We have journalists; we have the press.

But all of this is only as good as its basic input. The knowledge that we have about secret governments, the governmental programs' secretive organizations, organizations acting in secret to conceal abuses -- and so we needed to devise a mechanism so as much knowledge from those organizations could enter into the press and then be distributed to the people.

I found that wasn't the only thing that needed to be done. We also needed to protect the publishing side, because there was a lot of press self-censorship and a lot of assertive, direct censorship in different countries. So WikiLeaks and the Sunshine Press publishing organization is an attempt to bring these two parts together, to get more knowledge from sources who know what's actually happening in powerful organizations, and to have a publishing infrastructure that is able to publish that knowledge even though states or other powerful organizations are trying to censor it from getting to the people. It gets to the people; it brings that lifeblood that Jefferson spoke about true democracy.

PBS: You wrote to Daniel Ellsberg [the former U.S. military analyst who released the Pentagon Papers in 1971] at one point asking him to participate in the project?

JA: That's correct.

PBS: And you said to him, "We have come to the conclusion that fomenting a worldwide movement of mass leaking is the most [cost-]effective political intervention."

JA: That's correct.

PBS: Can you elaborate?

JA: Well, this is [a] very old message, so it's hard to elaborate. But -- When you talk about political intervention -- There's a bit of confusion between the Australian use of the word "political" and the U.S. use of the word "political." The word "political" in the Australian vernacular, what we mean by "political" is that everything that has to do with polity. So "political" means the political system, the interaction between information and people and power. And that is what we mean by "political." And a "political intervention" is anything that intervenes within the system.

PBS: I'm not sure Daniel Ellsberg, as an American, would have understood that either.

JA: Well, I didn't understand this difference until I spoke on [The] Colbert [Report] that the Australian view about "political" means everything that encompasses politics and the U.S. view that "political" is something that is "party political." In Australian English, we use "party political" to talk about political parties, "political" to talk about democracy and everything that it entails.

I mean, the reason that people raise that is, for example, is they question whether or not you have a partisan political agenda.

Well, it's absolutely false. I mean, you can see the proof of that in all of the material we have released, from Climategate on the one hand, broadly sympathetic to Republican politics, and the U.S. diplomatic cables on the other, which actually reveals abuses from many organizations all over the world, but including the central powers in Washington, like the State Department.


Each day I look out of the window, they are there. And each time I look up at the sky, I can see them. Chemtrails! 

Sometimes a day begins with a brilliant blue color in the sky, the one many of us were used to even ten years ago - then, the planes would fly in, drawing their lines in geometrical patterns, and within a few hours the sky would be covered by a grayish veil, making the temperature drop drastically. On very active spraying-days, breathing the air when you're walking outside, becomes a nuisance and is accompanied by annoying irritating sensations in your throat! ...

Are there still people out there, who believe that the lines they see in the sky, are normal con-trails? ... I hope this video-documentary will change your mind! Watch and become aware!


In this fascinating personal interview, Inelia Benz talks to Project Avalon's Bill Ryan about her life and her mission to this planet.

It's an extraordinary story, and many people who have seen this video have been very moved and inspired. The subjects Inelia discusses go to the very heart of who we are, and the situation we are in. Of all the interviews Bill Ryan has done in Project Camelot and Project Avalon, he considers this may be the most important to date.

A comment I'd like to make: for some, watching this entire video from beginning to end may be a transformational event. Don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling emotional, moved, inspired, elevated, or having new realizations about yourself, about reality, or about any aspect of what's going on in the world. This is the territory we're journeying in.